
Xootic organizes various activities to the members keeping in touch with each other as well as to keep them up-to-date with the latest innovations on Software Technology. Most common ones are:

  • Lectures: Several times a year, Xootic organizes lectures on innovations in the field of computer science. A speaker is invited to share his or her knowledge with OOTIs and ex-OOTIs in an informal way. These evenings are always concluded with a drink offered by Xootic.
  • X-day: The X-day is a one-day or weekend activity organized once a year. Past X-days were: a sailing weekend in Noord-Holland/Friesland, rafting and biking in the Ardennen, skiing in Landgraaf, and a GPS walk.
  • Symposia:
  • Other: Another activity is the New Year party (organized by MaCFAN), which allows Xootic-members and other alumni to come together and celebrate the new year.
    Finally, Xootic regularly organizes social events like bowling or board and card games.

All Xootic activities give OOTIs ample opportunity to contact each other, and to question the graduates about the work they do and the companies they work for. Such discussions can provide valuable practical information; in certain cases, these informal contacts have indeed resulted in employment.

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