Yearly Archives: 2009

Magazine 7-3 (March 2000): Software Architecture

  • Standing on the Shoulders of Giants – Björn Bon (PDF)
  • ASML-AT: Turbo Scanner Software Architecture – Rick van Lierop and Joost Zonneveld (PDF)
  • Software Architecture Assessment – Francois Vonk (PDF)
  • A Component Architecture for Simulator Development – Marco Brassé (PDF)
  • A Composable Software Architecture for Consumer Electronics Products – Rob van Ommering (PDF)

  • Magazine 8-3 (January 2001): Medical Image Analysis

  • Basic Image Analysis applied to the Visual Interaction Platform – Jean-Bernard Martens (PDF)
  • Developments in Biomedical Image Analysis – Bart M. ter Haar Romeny (PDF)
  • Quantification of Cytoskeletal deformation in Living Cells – Saskia van Engeland and Nico Kuijpers (PDF)
  • Semi-Automatic Shape Extraction from Tube-like Geometry – Jan Bruijns (PDF)
  • Virtual Reality in Medical Imaging for Image-Guided Surgery – Frans A. Gerritsen (PDF)

  • Magazine 10-5 (November 2003): Multidisciplinary Development

    • Software Engineers doing Hardware – Emile van Gerwen (PDF)
    • Designing across discipline borders: obstacle or option? – Kees van Overveld (PDF)
    • Some personal notes on multidisciplinary development – Ton Kostelijk (PDF)
    • The Multi-Disciplinary Aspect of System Development – Marcel Boosten (PDF)
    • The future of Embedded Systems – Wim Hendriksen (PDF)

    Complete magazine (PDF)

    Magazine 11-1 (July 2005): GIS & ASD

    • Automated Construction of Rectangular Cartograms – Marc van Kreveld, Bettina Speckmann (PDF)
    • Object-based updating of land-use maps of urban areas using satellite remote sensing – R.J. Dekker (PDF)
    • Analytical Software Design Case MagLev Stage Software Project for Philips Applied Technologies – Guy H. Broadfoot, George Kielty (PDF)

    Complete magazine (PDF)

    Magazine 11-2 (December 2005): TANGRAM

    • An introduction to TANGRAM – Edited by Michiel van Osch (PDF)
    • Test sequencing in a complexmanufacturing system – R. Boumen, I.S.M. de Jong, J.W.H. Vermunt, J.M. van de Mortel-Fronczak and J.E. Rooda (PDF)
    • Model-based testing with ? and TORX – Niels Braspenning, Asia van de Mortel-Fronczak, Koos Rooda (PDF)
    • A model-based approach to fault diagnosis of embedded systems – Jurryt Pietersma, Arjan J.C. van Gemund and Andre Bos (PDF)
    • A multidisciplinary model-based test and integration infrastructure – Will Denissen (PDF)

    Complete magazine (PDF)