
Xootic GMM 23 March 2017

Dear Xootic members,


We would like to invite you for the next Xootic General Members Meeting on March 23.

Location: Zwarte Doos (http://www.dezwartedoos.nl/nl/grand-caf).



18.00 – Gathering

18.30 – Dinner

20.00 – General Members Meeting

22.00 – Drinks

Please subscribe before 13 March by replying to the email from Xootic, indicating whether you join both dinner and meeting, and whether you have any diet restrictions. Dinner and drinks are for free.

– The Xootic Board

Luc de Smet (chairman)
Tom Geelen (treasurer)
Claudia Peter (secretary)
Ronald van Zon (partner- & sponsorship)
Eric Eslackers (support)
Arcilio Virginia (support)

Xootic Lustrum Evening of 1 December 2016


Xootic has celebrated its 5th lustrum (25th anniversary) in December 2016 during an evening at ASML, our diamond sponsor, which annually invites Xootic members and OOTI alumni for an event. Xootic Alumni Association has decided to combine both events.

The event included presentations by Fred Huizinga and Jafad Fatemi on the subject of Computer Aided Engineering.

Abstract presentation Fred Huizinga:

Virtual Product Development @ ASML

Computer Aided Engineering, CAE in short, is a broad term used to indicate the use of computer software in product design, analysis, validation, simulation; as well as the resolution of engineering, manufacturing and process problems. Computer Aided Engineering is used in a wide range of industries including the semiconductor industry for system; chip design and manufacturing.

At ASML CAE has become an indispensable method for the efficient and effective development process of TWINSCAN tools. In this presentation, Fred Huizinga, will explain how CAE is currently used and integrated into the development process; and he will provide a glimpse on what the future plans are for CAE in the ASML tool design and development process.

At the end of the evening we celebrated the anniversary of Xootic Alumni Association with a fun and entertaining Quiz.

The program was as follows:

17:00 Reception Guests
17:15 Experience Centre tour in groups.
17:45 Dinner in the Plaza
19:00 Start Lectures on Computer Aided Engineering by Java Fatemi and Fred Huizinga
20:15 Special Thanks Xootic contributors
20:30 25 Years Xootic : Quiz and Informal drinks
21:30 Closing
21:45 End

On behalf of Xootic Lecture Committee, Lustrum Committee and ASML,

Arcilio Virginia
Luc de Smet
Gertjan Schouten
Menno Lindwer
Harold Weffers

2nd GMM 2016

Dear Xootic members,
We would like to invite you for the next Xootic General Members Meeting on July 7.
Main topics will be investing the new Xootic board and discussing the vision for 2016 and beyond.
Please consider joining, so we can have an active discussion.
18.00 – Gathering
18.30 – Dinner
20.00 – General Members Meeting
22.00 – Drinks
Location: Zwarte Doos (http://www.dezwartedoos.nl/nl/grand-caf).
– The Xootic Board
Luc de Smet (chairman)
Tom Geelen (treasurer)
Claudia Peter (secretary)
Ronald van Zon (partner- & sponsorship)
Eric Eslackers (support)

1st GMM 2016

Dear Xootic members,
This year’s GMM is going to be on 17 March and three Xootic board members will retire, yielding the following vacancies (with their key functions described):
  • Chairman: main contact person and spokesperson for Xootic, chairing GMM meetings and board meetings
  • Secretary: writing minutes of GMM meetings and board meetings, Xootic member administration
  • Partner Relations / Public Relations: prospecting and maintaining contacts and contracts with partner companies, which are the only source of income for Xootic
Xootic needs these vacancies filled, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. The retiring board members are happy to help you to get on board.
As we need to prepare the GMM with the new board, please contact us a.s.a.p., but before 22 February.
Best regards,
The Xootic board
Tom Geelen
Hristina Moneva
Eugen Schindler
Gertjan Schouten
Emma Song

X-Day 2015

It is time for our annual social event: X-Day 2015! This year we are going to relax with bowling and food! A nice afternoon for everyone: grown-ups and kids.
Date:       Saturday, 17 October
Location: Mega Bowling Woensel, Vijfkamplaan 6 in Eindhoven
15:00 – 17:00: Bowling
17:00 – 19.00: Dinner

For subscription details, please check the mail in your inbox.

Hope to see you there!

Lecture Event on Model Driven Engineering

Date & Location Tuesday 11 November 2014 @ ASML Building 7, De Run 6501, Veldhoven
Schedule 17:30 Welcome – featuring a mini-exposition of “30 years ASML” in building 7 at the reception
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Wilbert Alberts: The challenges in Applying  Model Based System  Engineering  at ASML
19:30 Markus Völter: DSLs – the state of the art in 2014
20:30 Informal drinks, giving you the chance to network with other Xootic members and discuss with the speakers
21:30 End
Abstract DSLs – the state of the art in 2014
Domain Specific Languages are an old idea: align a language with a
particular domain, and you get better expressiveness of the language
relative to that domain. You can write more concise, more analyzable
programs and also synthesize executable code. However, over the last
years, the tools for building DSLs have matured to the point where you
can build non-trivial languages, compose and extend them modularly,
and use diverse notations such as text, prose, tables, math and graphics,
all in a single model. In this talk I will provide a perspective on the state
of the art of DSLs in 2014, focussing mostly on our recent experience
with JetBrains MPS. The session will be a few slides, and mostly demos.
Bios Bio of Markus Völter:
Dr. Markus Völter is an authority in the field of Model Driven Engineering, Domain Specific Languages and Language Engineering. He is an often-asked speaker at various conferences such as Code Generation, EclipseCon, and SPLASH. He is also the author of the DSL Engineering book and one of the founders of mbeddr (mbeddr.com) as well as the Software Engineering Radio podcast (www.se-radio.net).Bio of Wilbert Alberts:
After an education in computer science, OOTI and a Phd, dr. ir. Wilbert Alberts PDEng started as an embedded software engineer at ASML. During his career at ASML, he gained practical experience in embedded software development. Wilbert has grown into the role of Software Architect and Team Leader of the Innovation Architects team. A team that is responsible for spotting innovations that can increase efficiency and productivity of ASML’s software development developers. Often this involves identifying and investigating means to exploit the benefits of Model Driven Engineering and its possible deployment in ASML.
Slides MPS and mbeddr presentation by Markus Voelter

Lecture Internet of Things

Date & Location Wednesday 8 October 2014 @ De Zwarte Doos, TU/e, Room 1.03
Title The Internet of Things: Cool technologies and scary business models
Schedule 17:30 Reception18:00 Dinner19:30 Lecture by Koen Holtman, Philips Research, followed by drinks (until 22:00)
Synopsis The Internet of Things is a vision of the future stating that all things will become connected to the Internet. The Internet of Things is also a huge hype: according to Gartner, this hype is now at its peak of inflated expectations. Even if we go beyond the hype to a more fact-based view, the Internet of Things remains exciting.In the first part of this talk, I consider technology. I give an overview of the most important technical developments that can help the Internet of Things. Then I share some of our experiences at Philips in advancing one specific cool technology: high-reliability low-cost wireless communication.In the second part, I discuss the business models that dominate the embryonic Internet of Things now, and make predictions about what will happen in future. Some versions of the hype predict that Internet-native business models will eventually disrupt every sector of the ‘things’ economy. In practice, product-centric companies will have to change some of their ways of working. They will have to face new competitors, but they are not doomed from the start. The system architecture of the future Internet of Things will be interesting, but maybe not beautiful. It will be shaped by competitive forces, and by the fact that the general public remains unwilling to pay for anything purely digital.

OOTI/ST 25th Anniversary festivities

Dear alumni,
We have the pleasure to invite you to our 25th Anniversary festivities, taking place on Wednesday, April 17, 2013.
Please find more details about the symposium “ICT for Smart Mobility” here: http://wwwooti.win.tue.nl/25Year/index.html.
Information about the Anniversary Dinner Party, including the official farewell of Nelleke de Vries can be found in the Xootic mailing you should have received on February 21st. (If you didn’t receive the Xootic mailing, please inform Xootic)
We hope to meet many of you.
On behalf of Johan and Ad,